Performance Physical Therapy

Dangers of Prolonged Sitting

Dangers of Prolonged Sitting

by Stephen V. Rapposelli, PT, OCS

Dangers of Prolonged SittingAccording to the article “Stand Up for Your Health” by the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,, sitting for prolonged periods of time is linked to many health problems. Sitting for 6-8 hours a day can lead to increased rates in cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and even higher mortality rates! Some studies show that exercise will not eliminate the negative effects of sitting; so it is VERY important to make sure you keep moving throughout your day. Here are some suggestions to decrease your time sitting each day at the office or home:

1) Stand and walk around the office as much as you can. If you need a reminder, set an alarm on your smart phone to remind you. Try downloading apps to track your steps each day such as Pedometer for M7 – Steps.

2) If you do not have a smart phone, try purchasing a FitBit band. FitBit can track your steps each day as well as distance, calories, and sleep quality.

3) Try a standing desk. Standing desks will keep your core and back muscles engaged throughout the day and improve your posture.

4) Be active during your lunch break. Stand while eating, stretch, and take longer walks around the office or outside.

5) Stand while talking on the phone. As an added bonus, your voice will sound better!

6) Walk to co-workers offices instead of emailing or calling them.

7) Clean your office more frequently. This will give you an excuse to move around.

8) Stand while watching TV or at least during commercials.

9) Time how long you are sitting and try to lower that time each day. If you are unable to take longer than 5 to 10 minute breaks, 1 to 2 minute spurts of movement or exercise can still decrease your chances of health problems. Theses short spurts of movement will keep the blood flowing (decrease chances of blood clots), as well as minimize insulin resistance and help with weight gain.

Be conscious of how long you are sitting each day. Find creative ways to decrease your time sitting and start today! The sooner you start, the better you will feel! Email us today for a FREE sitting exercise program that can be done at your desk! [email protected] . Just put ‘sitting exercises in the subject line, and we will email you your free program immediately!

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