8 Things You Can Do for Faster Car Accident Recovery

Auto accidents injure almost 2 million people in America each year. A car accident might leave you with serious injuries.
Seeking medical treatment is one of the most important things a person should do after being involved in a car accident. Even if you don’t think you’ve been injured, you should have a medical professional examine you to be sure you haven’t suffered any internal injuries.
Injuries to the neck and head are very common among car accident victims. The path to recovery after a car accident can be long.
However, there are a number of things you can do to speed up the healing process, and here are some of them.
1. Go Home to Start the Car Accident Recovery Process
The most common mistake made by most people after an automobile accident is failing to go home and rest.
Most individuals are unaware that being in a car accident is just as traumatic as undergoing surgery. Failure to give your body the rest it requires after an injury might result in a slew of future issues.
According to some medical experts, failing to take time off following a car accident can extend the recuperation time by over six months. Adrenaline rushes through your body after a collision, dulling pain receptors and masking injuries.
While resting in bed may not be your idea of a good time, your body requires recovery following an accident.
2. Your Body Needs Fluids After an Accident
It’s essential to drink at least six glasses of water per day for the first week following your injury. Adding these extra fluids to your body can help in inflammation reduction.
After an injury, you should increase your vitamin C intake. This vitamin also has anti-inflammatory properties and can improve in tissue repair. Vitamin C produces electrolytes that help to neutralize free radicals that might cause inflammation.
There are a variety of electrolyte powders on the market that you can use to add vitamin C to your water.
During your car accident rehabilitation, make sure you don’t drink too many sodas. These drinks’ high fructose corn syrup may interfere with the body’s collagen production. When it comes to recovering from injuries like muscle tears, collagen is essential.
3. Let Your Singing Voice Be Heard
A person would usually gasp as a result of the shock of a car accident. Your diaphragm may tighten as a result of the shock, depriving you of oxygen.
If you’re experiencing trouble taking a deep breath after a car accident, it’s likely that your rib heads are pressed on your spine. When the seatbelt you’re wearing during an accident snaps on your lungs during impact, this happens frequently.
Singing at the top of your lungs is the best way to resolve these difficulties. This not only aids in the movement of compressed rib heads, but it also helps to relax your diaphragm.
If you don’t feel like singing, try some little exercise to help with these problems. It can be beneficial to lie down on your back and grasp both sides of your rib cage while breathing deeply.
Doing these deep breathing techniques on a daily basis will help you reduce pain and discomfort significantly.
4. Schedule an Appointment With a Physical Therapist
After the dust has settled from your car accident, make an appointment with a physical therapist. These doctors are trained to diagnose and treat injuries caused by car accidents using their hands.
These doctors can not only examine your injuries, but they may also give you with manual procedures to help with inflammation and pain.
5. Avoid Physical Activity For a While
If you live an active lifestyle, you don’t want to be unable to exercise or participate in sports. After your vehicle accident, though, you should avoid intense workouts for a few weeks.
Playing sports or engaging in intense exercise routines immediately after a vehicle accident can worsen your injuries. Some people believe that simply because they aren’t in terrible pain following a car accident, they can push their limits.
Doing so will almost always make a person’s injuries much worse. While it may be difficult for you to wait to play sports or exercise, it is the best thing for your body.
6. Light Exercise Can Be Helpful
While contact sports and weightlifting should be avoided, gentle exercise might be helpful during the healing process. Getting out of bed and stretching your muscles might be as simple as taking a walk on a flat surface.
Seek advice from your health care provider before beginning these walks. They’ll be able to advise you on how long your walks should be and how often you should go.
7. Wear The Right Shoes
When recovering from injuries suffered in a car accident, it’s important to wear comfortable shoes. While high heels, cowboy boots, and platforms are stylish, they do not give appropriate support.
Investing in a pair of athletic shoes that can support your ankles is essential. These shoes will not win you any fashion awards, but they will offer you with the necessary support.
8. Be Careful What You Lift
You’ll have to be cautious about what you lift for a while after your car accident. The majority of medical professionals advise car accident victims to avoid lifting anything heavier than five pounds.
An overload of lifting can strain your neck and back. While it will be tough to avoid carrying heavier objects, your body will appreciate your efforts.
Getting Professional Help Can Make Recovery Easier
It is essential to work with medical professionals who are experienced with the car accident recovery process. These experts will be able to provide you the advice you need to get your body back on track quickly.
The most important aspect of your treatment is ensuring that your physical therapist and doctor work to create a comprehensive treatment plan suited to your injuries, body, and medical history.
At Performance Physical Therapy, your Doctor of PT will provide you with an individualized treatment plan to help you heal and recover as swiftly and safely as possible. Call us today!
What our patients say about us?
This is really wordy but I really want to be able to articulate appropriately what Performance Physical Therapy has done for me. I was injured in a car accident 3 weeks before everything shut down because of Covid. Paperwork processing and adequate treatment for my injuries was delayed. I tried getting treatment at another place first. It just wasn’t giving me what I needed.. One call to Performance Physical Therapy changed everything. I had a lot of questions and during that initial call, Taylor got on the phone with me. Over the course of the next year Taylor oversaw my treatment plan. She and Kristen truly listened to me and took the time to hear my feedback. Taylor and Kristen were not only responsible for treating me, they were educating me, and were my biggest cheerleaders. Amanda and Nichole also helped me so much with therapeutic massage. Every single person who worked with me in therapy or at the front desk was so kind and pleasant. I am eternally grateful for each an every one of you. If you are looking for an individualized and positive therapeutic environment with the absolute best in the field, look no further than Performance Physical Therapy. I will be back after my next surgery to rehab.❤️