Performance Physical Therapy

Middle school fall sports prep

middle schooler ready for fall sports​

Middle school fall sports prep is real! Can you feel it in the air?  No, I don’t mean the heat and humidity.  I mean the fast approaching school year starting again!  If you have a middle schooler like I do, this may be the first year that your child is able to participate in school- based sports.  I just got my introductory letter for cross country!  Being the good parent that I am, I want to prepare him for fall sports so that he is safe from injury and gets enjoyment from exercise and competition.  After all, I treat sports injuries every day in my practice, so I should know what I am talking about!  However, since I am his father, he has discounted any knowledge that I could possibly have (isn’t that just like a pre-teen?!).

So, this article is my attempt to help all you parents out there with fall sport preparation, since you obviously don’t know what YOU are talking about either!!!  Let’s go over the main areas of concern for your pre-teen athlete, and how you can help prepare for  fall sports.  You are not too late to take these steps to make September a piece of cake without injury or complaints.(Well, at least without injuries!)

1. Strength

2. Flexibility

3. Agility

4. Endurance

So by doing little things almost daily, your pre-teen can be in great shape for the start of the fall sports season.  Hey, maybe if I train with my pre-teen, perhaps I can embarrass him by beating him in a push up contest while wearing my speedos! Now THAT’s good parenting!!

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