Performance Physical Therapy

What I See When I Go to the Gym

What I See When I go to the Gym

A lot of my patients have said to me in the past, “I bet you see some crazy things people are doing when you go to the gym”. I have to politely smile and calmly say that, indeed, I do see a lot of “interesting” exercises and techniques when I observe others in their fitness routines. What I want to say is that any given day I enter a fitness facility, I will see a significant number of people performing exercises that are not appropriate for their condition and even more people doing exercises with incorrect form.

Frankly, I feel like every time I see a person doing an exercise incorrectly, I am looking at my next patient!

I have no doubt that many of these folks are performing their routines with all good intent of improving themselves in some way. In most cases, they may have seen an exercise in a magazine or even been taught a routine by a well meaning employee of the gym. But, as we all know, it is easy to fall into bad habits which ultimately leads to performing a movement incorrectly. It is not unlike swinging a golf club. You may be taught the proper technique, but over time, you deviate from that. So you start slicing or hooking the ball. In your attempt to correct the problem you head to the driving range….only to practice the same incorrect swing over and over again. It is only when a golf pro looks at your swing that you can understand what you are doing wrong, and then you can make the correction.

Here are some common errors and suggestions to correct these mistakes, in addition to some tips for improving your form during exercise.

So, check yourself when you go to the gym next time. Just remember, I may be watching you!!

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