Performance Physical Therapy

Lorraine Jackson
I was treated for my neck and shoulders, primarily by Jennifer. I also saw a few other therapists, but not once did I have to repeat my story. The environment of PPT and the friendliness of all the staff made my visits enjoyable! I can’t believe how pain free I am! I’ve been to other therapy places; PPT is TOPS!
Joseph Ford
Always helpful professional knowledgeable. Just an all out great experience.
Eva Dreyer
Before coming to PPT I saw another physical therapist about hip pain. After seven weeks there wasn’t any improvement. A friend recommended PPT and the results were phenomenal! Sean thoroughly tested my range of motion and prescribed several stretching and strengthening exercises. He progressed these weekly. He re-tested my ROM after six weeks and the improvements were remarkable. Plus the pain was gone! Sean will be my PT for life!
linda bradford
From the start of my PT everyone I encountered was very friendly and pleasant. I was impressed with the interaction between staff and how knowledgeable Taylor (PT) as well as the techs were when I asked questions. I would recommend this office!!!
barbara brockett
I came to Performance Physical Therapy several years ago because I had heard good things about them, having been disappointed in other PT practices I had used over the years. Most recently, the last two sets of therapy have been with Jordan Morris, who is an outstanding diagnostician and therapist. He carefully evaluated my aches and pains and the exercises he used and therapies he applied succeeded in vastly improving my strength and flexibility. I would most definitely work with him again if I have any other issues. He is an asset to the practice.
Gary Rose
Knowledgeable, friendly, and great staff well organized.
Karen Riordan
Highly Recommend! I was extremely impressed w/the quality of care I received. The Physical therapist, Sam Bachman, had her Doctorate in Physical Therapy - was up to date on the latest treatments and had me 100% for a shoulder issue in just a few short weeks, after months of pain. I would definatly go back to PPT for any future needs!


Back Pain

Back in Action: How Seniors Are Embracing Physical Therapy to Kiss Back Pain Goodbye!

 As your friendly neighborhood physical therapist, I’m here to spill the beans on a topic that’s close to the hearts (and backs) of many seniors – the magical journey to bid farewell to back pain and welcome a life filled with vibrancy! Buckle up because we’re about to embark on a journey that’s entertaining, informative, and downright uplifting.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Picture this: a world where seniors aren’t held back by nagging back pain. 

Sounds like a dream? 

Well, it’s time to turn that dream into reality! 

Today, we’re setting the stage for an epic adventure – the quest for a pain-free back. 

Get ready for the backstage pass to the world of physical therapy and the incredible transformation it can bring to your life!

Understanding the Impact of Back Pain on Seniors

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of back pain.

 It’s like that unexpected guest who overstays their welcome – common, annoying, and often limits the fun. 

We’re going to explore just how prevalent back pain is among seniors, the challenges it poses, and why addressing it is the key to unlocking a vibrant and active lifestyle. 

Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a life without back pain drama!

Back Pain Therapy

The Role of Physical Therapy: Your Back’s Best Friend

Enter your physical therapist – the expert guide in this tale of triumph! 

It’s not just a set of exercises; it’s your back’s best friend, the sidekick you didn’t know you needed.

 We’re going to unveil the holistic benefits beyond just waving goodbye to pain. 

Get ready for a sneak peek into the wonderful world of physical therapy and how it can transform your life!

Being experts in movement in the world of medicine, we will figure out the root cause of your back pain, and teach you how to manage it forever!

Improve Your Hip Mobility with These Simple Exercises – Part 1

Practical Tips for Seniors Exploring Physical Therapy

So, you’re intrigued, and you’ve decided to take the plunge into the world of physical therapy.


We’ve got your back (literally). 

We’ll outline the initial steps to kickstart your journey, spill the beans on what to expect during a therapy session, and offer tips to keep the momentum going. 

It’s like having a GPS for your path to a pain-free back – turn left for relief, right for rejuvenation!

Is Your Lower Back Hurting?  Try This Simple Technique At Home!

Back Pain Exercise

The Diversity of Physical Therapy Techniques: More Than Just Exercises

Physical therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario. 

It’s a buffet of techniques, and we’re here to explore the menu. 

From gentle stretches to exercises tailored for back pain relief, we’ll dive into the smorgasbord of personalized approaches that make physical therapy a delightful experience. 

Your back is unique, and so should be your therapy – like a customized spa day for your spine!

 How Seniors Can Move with Back Pain During Daily Life Activities

Now, the exciting part – bringing physical therapy into your daily life! We’re not talking about complex routines; it’s about incorporating exercises seamlessly into your day. From morning stretches to creating a cozy, back-friendly environment at home, we’ve got your back (again). It’s like turning your daily activities into a back-pain-free dance – step by step, move by move!

Conclusion: Lights Dim, Applause Rings

As our adventure comes to a close, let’s recap the key takeaways. 

Your back is a superstar, and physical therapy is the stage where it can shine. 

The transformative power of physical therapy is not just about saying goodbye to back pain; it’s about embracing a future where you’re “Back in Action!”

 So take a bow, because you’re on the path to a life filled with joy, movement, and the freedom to enjoy every moment. Keep shining, fabulous seniors!