Performance Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy can help you avoid rotator cuff surgery.

rotator cuff

The humerus, clavicle, and scapula are the three dominant bones that make up your shoulder. The rotator cuff is made up of four tendons and muscles that work together to keep your arm bone in the socket of your shoulder blade while allowing your arm to raise and rotate. Although rotator cuff damage may necessitate surgery in some cases, recent research suggests that a physical therapy rehabilitation program can be just as effective as surgery. The first line of treatment for rotator cuff injury is to reduce inflammation with anti-inflammatory medications and strengthening exercises. The less inflammation there is, the better a person’s ability to perform strengthening and stretching exercises will be.

Physical therapy promotes proper movement to stimulate cells to lay down collagen along the lines of stress, resulting in healthy, strong tendons and a faster recovery. An effective rehabilitation program may include the following components:

  • stretches to promote ease of movement
  • exercises that isolate and train each muscle group separately
  • exercises that improve scapula movement and control
  • passive exercises that move the joint through its range of motion, performed several times per day with the assistance of a therapist, the other arm, or a machine (ROM)
  • Light-weight ROM exercises
  • Elbow, wrist, and hand flexion and extension exercises

Physical therapy is essential in the treatment of rotator cuff tears. Many people with rotator cuff injuries can achieve comparable pre-injury strength and motion without surgery by following a protocol that includes warming up, stretching and strengthening, post workout icing, and anti-inflammatory medications. Following a thorough evaluation, we can design a personalized rehabilitation program to get your shoulder back in the game.

Your rotator cuff tear can get better at Performance Physical Therapy, we are both experience and dedicated to help you heal and get back your shoulder’s health.

Call (302) 234-2288 and schedule your appointment.

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